Interview with Kate Ringland: Grad Student

Photograph of Kate Ringland sitting on bench with laptop
Copyright Kate Ringland
WordPress can be utilized by more than just businesses and passionate bloggers. As WordPress community member Kate Ringland demonstrates, the content manager can be used as a virtual resume and a means to network with current and potential business associates. Kate says:

Overall, WordPress makes building and maintaining my website easy…WordPress is also the choice of most academics I’ve been involved with, so it’s easier for everyone if we’re all using the same system.

Kate is a Ph.D. student in Informatics at University of California, Irvine. She studies human computer interaction, Assistive Technology, and technology for people with autism.  

Her WordPress site promotes the projects she’s been involved with, such as Clothing Tags for Individuals with Visual Impairments, which is a system for tagging clothing to help those who have vision limitations such as color blindness; BlueFriends, a project that is helping reduce the stigma associated with depression; and Sensory Paint, an amazing program that uses kinect technology and a paint software to help children with neurodevelopmental disorders such as autism.

Because Kate works with many different projects and is a part of an educational community, she and they use WordPress to keep in contact and network with other groups outside of their University.  Kate also has to travel a lot to conferences and different events. She uses WordPress widgets such as Google Calendar to post her upcoming events.

Screenshot of Kate Ringland's WebPage

One of the unique things about using WordPress as a place to host your resume is that you can have an up-to-date blog that accompanies it. Instead of a static, boring page that only summarizes your accomplishments, blogging allows users to see your commitment and passion for your field of interest.

Kate blogs about her different projects, she gives status updates, and sometimes shares just a few fun posts about her other interests.

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