WordPress Plugins: TinyMCE Advanced

The “TinyMCE Advanced plugin” allows for modifications to the visual editor. It allows adding, removing, and rearranging the buttons to accommodate the content creator making it feel more like a word processor.

The Visual Text editor is modified and rearranged.


Editor Drop-down MenuDrop down list of the TinyMCE Advanced Toolbar.


Add, Remove, and Rearrange

Under settings in “TinyMCE Advanced” there are settings to add, remove, and rearrange the visual editor buttons on the toolbar. The unused buttons are buttons that are not visible on the visual editor  toolbar.

To add an unused button click and drag to the button of choice to the desired location. To remove a button click and drag the button of your choice to the unused buttons. To rearrange a button click and drag to new desired location.

TinyMCE Advanced Settings to allow modification to the visual editor toolbar.

To Install in WordPress

  1. Go to Plugins  tab on the left and click Add New.
  2. Search for “TinyMCE Advanced”
  3. Find and install “Tiny MCE Advanced” by Andrew Ozz.
  4. Once the plugin is installed, open Plugins.
  5. Activate “TinyMCE Advanced” plugin.

Information and Download

For more information and to download visit their official website.

For the WordPress compatible plugin and information visit their website.



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