All posts by Marcus Velez Jr

I am a recent graduate from Clark College. I took classes for the associate's of applied technology degree in web and graphic design.

Interview: Jocelyn Mozak, WordPress Web Designer

A portrait of WordPress Web Designer, Jocelyn Muzak.Jocelyn Mozak, WordPress Website Designer and Founder of Mozak Design, was born and raised on the East Coast and was a featured speaker at WordCamp 2015. At Cornell University, she earned her Bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering then worked as a Senior Hardware Designer at Intel. With her hard work and discipline, she earned a full scholarship to Stanford University to obtain her Master’s in Electrical Engineering. From the technical skills she learned from her education, her passion is what makes her an outstanding web designer. Continue reading Interview: Jocelyn Mozak, WordPress Web Designer

WordPress News: Is Becoming a ‘WordPress Professional’ Right for You (Or Even Possible)?

In the article “Is becoming a WordPress Professional right for you (or even possible)” written by Tom Ewer, he mentions a few pointers for people who want to do WordPress as a profession. While doing so, Tom tells of 4 WordPress users who had little to no knowledge of WordPress become great theme and plug-in developers. WordPress has helped these users find their niche in the WordPress community.

Joost de Valk screenshot. Continue reading WordPress News: Is Becoming a ‘WordPress Professional’ Right for You (Or Even Possible)?

Web Accessibility: What is WCAG?

A accessibility symbol on a keyboard.WCAG is short for Web Content Accessibility Guidelines.
These guidelines were developed through the W3C process with a goal of providing a shared standard for web accessibility that meets the needs for every individual, organization, and government. It covers a wide range of recommended web content to make it easier to browse the internet for people with disabilities. Its success criteria is written as a testable statement that isn’t technology-specific.

How to Use It

WCAG addresses the shortcomings by defining what “accessible” content is and presenting guidelines in a way that it can be easily understood and adapted to new technology. Continue reading Web Accessibility: What is WCAG?

WordPress Plugins: Soliloquy Lite

The Soliloquy Lite Responsive Slider plugin allows you to create  sliders with both images and videos. The plugin is quick and super easy to use and showcases a code to put on any post or page.

Soliloquy's logo.

This is what your posts section looks before the Plugin was installed:

A screenshot of the add new post panel.After the plugin is activated, an Add Slider button will show up next to the Add Media button on the Posts and Pages sections.

A add slider button next to the add media button.

An example of the the Add New Soliloquy Slider is shown below.  In context area you can upload images and set the configurations of how you want your slider to look:

The new slider post area.

Once finished with setting up your slider, go to Add Post and click the Add Slider button choose the slider you just made and then publish it.

A sample slider post.

On the site, you should see something like the screenshot below:

A sample slider of Soliloquy Lite.

For More Information:

How To Embed Storify In WordPress

For those who know about or are familiar to Storify, the social media tool that allows users to create timelines using social sites from gathering and customizing information in a way they want it to look on social media. There are now options to get it for WordPress.

On a self-hosted blog (, there are a couple options to get Storify. Those options are:

  • Storify’s embed codes that are designed to work anywhere supporting HTML codes: copy and pasting the code of your
    published story onto your blog post.An example of a Storify embed code.
  • If that doesn’t work, install the Storify plugin . It would make posting Storify stories much easier. A WordPress plugin for Storify.
  • If a WordPress theme doesn’t allow some of the Storify embed codes, find a WordPress plugin like User Role Editor that allows “unfiltered” HTML code.
    A WordPress plugin for user role editor that allows "unfiltered" HTML code.

How to Embed Storify in or WordPress Sites Without a Plugin

On a hosted site like, Storify embed codes or HTML by default aren’t allowed, however, you can still link to Storify posts and content with Twitter embeds, blockquotes, and screen captures, such as this example from a Storify story on WordPress security news during a major security incident a few years ago.

The screenshot example would be shown below, with a custom link around the image or before or after it to the actual news story:

Screenshot example of a Storify Article image embedded in WordPress about a WordPress Security Issue.

Using Twitter embeds in, or linking manually from a self-hosted version or WordPress (or one using the Jetpack WordPress Plugin), you can simple paste in the links to the tweets, often the source of the material used on Storify such as these on the same news story.

The effect is very similar to Storify, as shown in this screenshot from the original Storify story, what an embed might look like:

Storify example of the WordPress Security News Story.

Be creative and you can emulate the Storify effect.

How to Embed Storify on a Self-hosted Version of WordPress

If using the self-hosted version of WordPress, you can seamlessly embed or create Storify stories into your post using Storify plugin for WordPress VIP for VIP members, Storify WordPress Plugins, or use some of the other Storify WordPress Plugins.

Storify is an easy way to find, collect, and share stories to friends and family and these were options in getting it for WordPress.

For More Information on Embedding Storify in WordPress

WordPress Words: Avatar

An avatar is an important part of your online representation of yourself, usually a picture of you that shows up in places where you leave comments or forum posts. Support | Avatars.

Example: He used a graphic of a purple penguin as his avatar on League Of Legends.

About The Word

The word avatar is from the Hindu language Sanskrit meaning descent. It’s translation refers to the English word “incarnation”, but towards more as appearance or manifestation.

How Avatars Are Used

An avatar is used to represent someone from behind a computer and/or gaming system. It is an image or an icon that symbolizes who the person is or wants to be. Avatars are commonly seen in multiplayer gaming like World of Warcraft, online communities like The Sims Online, or web forums like the one in WordPress. Avatars are also seen for users around the world to interact and chat without leaving their building.

A gaming forum for a game called Metal Gear Solid.

Dealing with the avatar settings.

see also WordPress Words: Gravatar
see also WordPress Words: Blavatar

For More Information

What is WordPress MS?

WordPress Multisite (WordPress MS) is a special configuration built into the current version of WordPress that allows a self-hosted user to manage multiple WordPress sites on one network.

The multiple site version of WordPress is something to think about when an organization or person has several sites at once that run under one umbrella.

A photo on WordPress MultiSite. Continue reading What is WordPress MS?

5 Cool Things To Do With WordPress

Christopher Ratcliff of Econsultancy posted an article on the five cool things you can do with WordPress based upon a presentation by Patrick Hathaway of HitReach at BrightonSEO 2014, a search engine optimization conference. He describes each tip thoroughly with impressive detailed examples. The tips are not just “cool,” they’re very helpful when using WordPress. Continue reading 5 Cool Things To Do With WordPress

Why is the P in WordPress Important?

There's a lowercase p in wordpress.Since the beginning of WordPress in 2003, the issue of the the capital P in the word “WordPress” has brought annoyance, confusion, and determined loyalty. Then a minor outrage happened in 2009 when Matt Mullenweg and the WordPress development team introduced a script into the core of WordPress 3.0 that forces a lowercase p to upper in the trademarked name, WordPress.

Some were against the move to add a filter to force a capitalized p in WordPress. Others were against it. Some against it created the Remove Word(p)ress to WordPress Filter Plugin to remove the filter action in WordPress.

Why lies behind the pros and cons of the filter in WordPress is more complicated than you may imagine. For some, the action felt like it was imposing a form of censorship, giving the popular publishing platform the power to change a single letter in one word could open the idea of controlling more words.

The other side of the issue is that most of the people in the WordPress Community are proud of WordPress and loyal to the mostly volunteer community that keeps WordPress going forward, and they take their spelling of the trademarked name, WordPress, seriously.

Let’s look at the issues one at a time. Continue reading Why is the P in WordPress Important?