Tag Archives: subversion

WordPress Word: Subversion

Subversion, often shortened to SVN, is a system that is widely used in the free software community to manage projects, and is also utilized by Google Code. Subversion was developed by the Apache Software Foundation.
How Apache Software Foundation defines “Subversion”.

Example: Subversion is used by VIPs along with a Git clone in order to have a better SVN-repository/Git interaction.

About The Word

The WordPress project uses Subversion for code version control. Most WordPress users will never want to use Subversion, because they will only install the released versions of WordPress. However, developers of plugins and themes may want to test their software against the latest development version of WordPress, and people interested in Contributing to WordPress by testing or fixing bugs will need to have access to the code that is under development. More on this can be found here.

For a more thorough understanding of how Subversion is used.

For More Information

Using Subversion to Make Projects Easier

If you are not familiar with Subversion, that title may sound a little sinister. While the dictionary definition of “subversion” may sometimes seem like the best idea in a particularly frustrating group project, the project management system known as Subversion is likely a better option.

What is Subversion?

Subversion, often shortened to SVN, is a system that is widely used in the free software community to manage projects and is also utilized by Google Code. Subversion was developed by the Apache Software Foundation and is currently under a free software license, meaning that it can be used freely as long as copyright notice is maintained. Continue reading Using Subversion to Make Projects Easier